Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I’d like to hear/see more about what gives you hope. I often feel stuck and that I can’t change anything. How do you move past this feeling? I like your insight on what drives these folks. It makes me more aware of how to avoid these red flags and not get dragged into an argument. New feature…hope. How women are making things better every day!

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Beautiful picture :) Only suggestion for change is that I want to see updates of your lawsuit against Donald and Maryanne. SOMEBODY needs to make Donald starting paying for his crimes.....

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Anything from you is a pleasure to read and see Mary.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I enjoy reading whatever you write about. I like observations on individuals psychology – why, what, and how they are doing what they're doing. Thoughts and suggestions on what the everyday citizen can do to make things better. And, it's always nice when moments, or stories of zen are offered. Keep up your great work, Mary.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Your insights about the currents that are afoot in the law, health and politics is what I enjoy. The softening with sunsets and animals helps the insights go down. Your insights personal and professionally provide good context.

I read the OSHA intention when it was created by both parties, R and D, to address health in the workplace. The current pandemic is a "dead ringer."

President Richard Nixon signed the bill surrounded by R and Dems. But that was then, and this is now. Avoiding the paradigm of us vs them by any name, is the way to move forward.

Addressing the workplaces we inhabit for a good many hours is central to moving forward as Us. 85 million people will be directly effected by the Court's action The comments from the Supreme Court demonstrates how unattached many of the justices are to the reality of everyday life in the USA.

Progressive Caucus led by Rep Pramila Jayapal of Seattle, says expand the court to 14. History shows that the number of Justices changes over time.

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Mary! Mary! I'd like you to do whatever you WANT to do!


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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I look forward to anything you write. Please continue with whatever seems important to you.

Also, that podcast with the Vindman's had a positive impact on my frame of mind!

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I don’t know how you can beat that last interview, the one with Malcolm Nance. Your podcast just gets better and better. I don’t know what I would add or subtract. I just like listening to you and your guests because then I don’t feel so alone in my thoughts. For years I’ve felt like “Chicken Little” - now, not so much. Thanks, Mary!

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Agree with others that whatever you want to write about is worth us reading. I do like your spot-on political observances. I also think you've created a little community of like-minded people who can find support during these uncertain and frightening times. An occasional digression about music, arts, the ocean, is always appreciated as a break from the stress of what's happening in and to our country.

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Jan 14, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

Probably the last thing you want to hear, but since you are ridiculously, almost comically overqualified as the subject matter expert on thedonald, I'd like some more explanations. How the heck does he get such a hold over people? I see the post 1/6 turnarounds from Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy and it feels like a sequel to "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978 version). What can possibly go on in their private meetings?

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

To me, what you have created, Mary, is a collection and exchange of ideas with guests that feels personal and honest and ever-so-friendly. Thank you!

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Like many others have said, I enjoy your posts "as is." You do such a nice job of succinctly describing the month's worth of news that happens every single week, and strike the right balance between that and the personal/culture/pet posts. I also greatly enjoy your wit and sarcasm!

If I had to offer some suggestion, I'd be interested in more of your thoughts from a behavioral health perspective every now and then - however/whatever form you wanted that to take (anecdotal, academic, clinical, political - anything!). It seems there is more awareness and discussion around mental health than at any time I can recall, but there's still so much stigma and misinformation around it, and of course the pandemic has exacerbated it for so many.

I'm also convinced that one of these times when you post a lovely sunset pic, there will be soft acoustic guitar music playing in the background, though I completely understand if that's something you want to keep to yourself. :) At any rate, thanks for everything that you do share with us and for always leaving us with something positive (or at least trying to). I appreciate your voice and am glad it's in the mix, especially the new podcast!

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I like it “as is”! 🙂

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Mary, I love everything you write---be it that the subject is good, bad, or ugly. Yes, love the kitties, the parrot, and beautiful vacation pics.

I am still trying to understand these times in which we are living. In high school we read the Eugene Ionesco play The Rhinoceros. I haven't been able to get it out of my head since 2015. It feels like there's a mass psychosis going on. I don't understand how so many other normal people have gotten taken in and so many leaders have become spineless. How does this cult behavior take hold and how do you break the veil? And don't get me started on the venality of Tucker Carlson, etal, who know better but spew out hate just for the ego and the $$$.

Your uncle plugged into the psyche of many Americans and used it for his egoistic ends. He unleashed a monster much bigger than he is. If America and its body politic were healthy he would have been nipped in the bud. As a student of history, not sure where this leads, but it is scary.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

It's hard to improve on perfection. It's awesome as it presently is; glad to be included!

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How creativity, like you playing the guitar or your other creative endeavors, sustains you during this traumatic time.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Too many people are voting against their and our country's best interest, but they do not think they are. Here is my contribution to help counter the misinformation. Check out my short video on How Bottom-Up Economics Works: www.votereducationproject.com/hbuew

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Sharing how we are kind and help each other every day. That reminder would help through this time.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Love the photos: of beautiful sunsets & animals; and I enjoy anything you have to say!

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Mary, Thank you for your decency and shining kindness. One hopes your uncle will get what he deserves. I just finished watching the last episode of 'Station Eleven". Brilliant writing and acting. To quote The Beatles, "Have you heard, the word is love? it's so fine, it's sunshine, it's the word love".

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

More Men here, I love interaction from and with women, but Im surprised at how many women outnumber men on this newsletter, however, I share all the time, so I'm doing what I can to change, being an athletic man when young, I find it amusing that men can talk to one another freely, then "frame" what they say to women Rather than interact as freely to women in similar less disgusting manner. I like balance in all things, am I asking too Much?

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Meet the new week . . . same as the last week . . .

My bandwidth for news has diminished by at least 75%. This, from a decades long news/political junkie, is saying something.

Not gonna lie, the past 6yrs has damaged my psyche to the point where I feel the need to modify my patterns of behavior. Not a drinker, now I hit the 420 vape pen every evening & find myself binge watching series as a way to disconnect. Really glad we're in the golden age of TV :)

I know I'm not alone. The scale of this collective anxiety we as a society have been living with is unprecedented. Certainly in American history. And the effects are TBD.

So we preserve and we do the next right thing.

Walk along side each other, with kindness, and help shoulder the burden where we can. That's the good in us. And I believe, the God in us.

And let's not forget to take care of ourselves.

Disconnecting when necessary.

What ever gets you through the night :)

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

This week was heavy. As in HEA-VEY. While I enjoy your perspectives on events, as well as the wisdom you've gained through your life's trials, there's something I've been curious about for quite awhile. Do you just dust those guitars holding up the various walls of your abode, or do you strum and pick and possibly sing?

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Hi Mary. To answer your questions. I'd love to see more of the people behind the scenes in our fight for democracy. I know it seems that all is doom and gloom, but in reality there a thousands, if not millions of us working really hard to save what we have and the people organizing these efforts are quite amazing and their insight is tremendous! There's really nothing I'd like to see less of. You're doing great! A new feature would be related to my above comment. Maybe a democracy hero of the week with an interview? I love the way you interact with all of us! Thank you! :)

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I agree with others and enjoy everything you do, Mary. Seeing behind the persona of your relative is very helpful. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if someone is wealthy and powerful their internal life is without content. They are their persona. Also how to "unfreeze" after the last two years. Many had PTSD before 2016 and Covid. Not being able to flight or flee I froze but other traumatic events happened too. What does health in a new normal look like? Sorry, that's a lot but we could shed some light on it.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I’ve enjoyed your sharing your fur baby pics as well as gorgeous sunset photos. Relating music and memories. How you’ve overcome challenges. Who are your spiritual, philosophical influences? It’s been a fun and provocative journey so far, and looking forward to reading and listening to your podcasts.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I would like to see more of how the average person can help save democracy. It would be nice to know of events in each State with the primary purpose of protecting the right to vote. Also, I would like to understand how dark money got involved in our politics, and how we can make sure we vote for candidates that don't accept the bribe.

I would like to see more of the light side of life (cartoons like the far side that make you laugh!)

Good book reviews. Positive women to support.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

One more thing- a post where all of us can share random facts about ourselves. That way we can find out each other's talents outside of knowing lots about politics.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Any facts the main street media is too politically correct to report

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Like to see more and more federal cases won for us little (correct) guys. The crap happening

must be prosecuted for all the trouble and stoppage in the laws broken. The right to vote.......

OH MY. What's the problem? Who are the two special ( Manchin and Sinema) idiots wasting time. Seems they have become part of the Senate that will never care. I am almost at

the end of my hopes.How about the UNsuperior Court? UGGH!

Maria Juliano

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I subscribed to The Good in Us because I like reading about what Mary L. Trump has to say! I haven’t been disappointed. It’s great and fun to be part of this community. Thank you!

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

You are doing a good job - I look forward to reading every email from you. More information about what your audience can do to protect our democracy, which is the most important thing + electing Democratic candidates to every office possible in November

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

We need to draw parallels in the past when America was in dire straits but pulled out a victory. FDR, JFK, Lincoln were all Presidents who were challenged mightily. Their stories could be just as inspirational in the dark path we are going through now. I love your work, Mary. You are a treasure.

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I would like hear from people who finally realized that Donald Trump was exploiting their loyalty, and they now grasp the truth about his nationalist (fascist) movement. Where are the World War ll history buffs? Some must have been Republicans. Why have they not seen the parallels? How does it not shake them free from the republican 🌴 tree!

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Thank you for considering it. I love your insights and I look forward to more!

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I LOVE THAT WE ALL TUNED IN TO HOW GOVERNMENT WORKS, regardless of who is in power! It’s LIGHT BULB INFORMATION! I find it QUITE ENTERTAINING! We all, until the DONALD shit show we all just lumped around like sheep! If Hillary had won, we still would be in our SHEEP 🐑 pens ! Our government does do tricky things ALL THE TIME! Wars, cheater corporate money etc! EXCEPT, DONALD showed up with a fat mouth and rats out EVERYONE. He is never on “paper” email or text! He verbally has his FIXERS do all the dirty work! When they get caught Michael Cohen he dumps them. Roger Stone and all the guys in congress are going to swing! He will double cross them all! He set them up JAN 6 planning a peaceful protest, then hired in Stewart Rhodes! Brilliant! They are not a cult, they are scared that when we find out they planned the TOUR through Ray Epps all these politicians are OUT. THEY WILL BE disqualified never to hold office, not to mention the criminal piece! SO EVERYONE, BE HAPPY ! DOJ and the committee, THEY HAVE OUR BACKS! The MJT BOBHERT CRUZ MCCARTHY GOSAR HAWLEY LINDSEY JORDAN LANGFORD ARE DONE ! Mitch McConnell will not block the vote in the Senate! He knows DONALD wants them all to get him out! THAT OLD BUZZARD WILL NEVER LEAVE! See , so, THANK YOU DONALD for destroying the Republicans! THANK YOU ! No more Republican Party !

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I'd like to hear from you and others about adventures in consciousness, the evolution of the human spirit, and anything that will enlighten. I want to focus on the Light. I want us to be Light Warriors. Humans these days are either evolving their consciousness or devolving back into the animalistic "survival of the fittest, kill to eat" mentality. Lots of dark forces at work in the world and in people's minds makes me want to remind everyone that you don't FIGHT darkness - you turn on a light. Let's shine our lights! Make them powerful together! Help to dispel darkness. Bring on the Love.;

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I am praying that we all will see the people who have and are threatening our democracy held accountable! Justice matters 👍🙏🏻

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Hi Mary! I love everything that you have offered, since I joined. The reason I joined is because since the Jan6th Insurrectionist. Attack hearings will be coming up soon, I figured you would have good insight & commentary to add about your CRAZY UNCLE, the former DEFEATED pres. Trump. And, his involvement in Tax fraud, income tax evasion, guess that's redundant. I am glad you are suing him! Somebody needs to put him through some kind of Ringer. I was once in a religious cult and got myself out of it, unscathed & very aware of any one who is like your uncle, gas- lighting & cunningly tapping into people feeling like they don't belong. it took my willingness to go within my True Self & look for truth. It isn't easy to look at your own faults. But that's what it takes in my experience to choose myself over someone I falsely believe, is stronger than I am. I am sometimes a worried-optimist. And, I have a Fiction writer mind. I can't imagine what more horrific actions Trump was/is involved in. But I think we are going to be horribly shocked. And, I like having your newsletter to turn to for additional good/bad, info. And, clarification. Thank you for your courage to stand up to your uncle!

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I enjoy the topics and straight talk from intelligent Mary and subscribers. The NYTimes used to have an excellent column on how political parties, cabals, policies and events and the pandemic affect women, who comprise over half the population. That column was suspended for reasons not clear to me. Since my 80 years of observing politics and teaching about authoritarian systems leads me to conclude that racism and misogyny are always associated with right wing extremism ( and misogyny often also associated with extreme left wing extremism), I 'd like to see some focus on this and remedies for it How do we non male/ and poc people empower ourselves to stand up together? For surely we share the goal of making our nation one day a democratic nation. It's not wise to allow ourselves to be divided.

I am still very interested in the topics of seditious conspiracy from within and how high up it is, as well as penetration of Russian intelligence into our government institutions since 2014 and earlier.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

More pet pictures! I think it’s so cool that you own a parrot.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

More lovely piccies, please. Like the one above. And could we have a back n forth on detachment, from the spiritual perspective? Reading some of the comments below methinks we could trade stories on how-to.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I need the kitties. More kitties, please! Waldo kitty says yes to that, and he'd like his photo to show you how handsome he is. It would be nice if we could share a photo of our kitties or other important-to-our-survival pets. I'd like to see less of my commenting but know that's impossible. If you have a magic wand that would keep me from having TLE seizures every time I comment and talk too much that would be very helpful. Do however keep on talking politics and government. It's critical to our survival that we not cave in or give up. How about convincing the democrats of Arizona to replace Kyrsten Sinema with a real democrat? That would be a great accomplishment. I, and a few others down here, believe she's a Republican in a Democrat costume. We need hope. Thank you. Hug.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Good stuff. Wish I could disconnect more. Staying focused on the pertinent news items and trends is what we need. Also, if anyone has solutions to the unsolvable it would good to see…

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Maybe Canada can help us see what we can't. I found this eye-opening and helpful.

Opinion: The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare.

Thomas Homer-Dixon

Special to the Globe and Mail 12/31/21, 1/2/22

(I found a link to this on Twitter at:

Thomas Homer-Dixon @TadHomerDixon

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I enjoy everything you do. Not sure how you have the time to do it all! Your rants are epic, and I love the stories about your cats and parrot. More of the same would be perfect!

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I love the daily updates just as they are

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I enjoy positive, warm posts on any subject that is important to you that moment. As a political scientist originally, I look forward to your insights on the last POTUS, Trumpublicans, and engagement in the public sphere as you have done. If I had one wish that could be fulfilled, it would be your review of "Remaking Democracy in America."

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

More political discussion. I have all the feel good stuff I need.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Mary, I feel so honored to have you ask us for our feedback. I am interested to have you continue about your life growing up, hearing about the songs you love, books you cherished, and how you became interested in psychology. Thank you ❤️

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