With you. Let’s get through the twilight zone concept that anyone in our country is above the law. We do not elect emperors.

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In 2007, poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti wrote the poem "Pity the Nation", inspired by Kahlil Gibran's poem of the same title first published in 1933. Their words remind us that history is cyclical.

Pity the nation whose people are sheep,

and whose shepherds mislead them.

Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,

and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.

Pity the nation that raises not its voice,

except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero

and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.

Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own

and no other culture but its own.

Pity the nation whose breath is money

and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.

Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode

and their freedoms to be washed away.

My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty. ~Lawrence Ferlinghetti

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Our Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they were told that the Justices of the Supreme Court 250 years later ruled that it was their intent not to hold a President criminally accountable for masterminding a scheme to overthrow his duly elected successor under cover of violently storming the Capitol building.

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Bennie Thompson's J6 Civil lawsuit may get some traction and media attention before the election.

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Damn straight they will fail. Absolutely. Without a doubt.

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I think many many Americans have seen the mess that Donald is. There will be too many doubts in their minds for them to check the Donald box in November. Of course we want ALL the court cases to go in favor of Democracy, but we might not need them all. There are more decent people than there are MAGAS. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Spread the word!

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I am with you Mary. I will fight! I'm bringing my younger friends to register to vote, the 30s crowd. Most of them are busy working 2 jobs and don't follow politics. I have explained the seriousness of this election. They are with us when they see what's at stake. Thank you for your hard work. Your voice is so important, unfortunately/fortunately because you know him better than most. Much love for the hard work 💙💙💙

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If the so called Supreme Court find in Trumps favor then it proves their level of corruption and it should be dismantled forever.Defenestration is a nice tradition for dealing with for corruption,.

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“Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging…Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see.”

—-Justice Sonia Sotomayor

I am certain the court took the case to ensure Donald is not held accountable. We need to vote like our lives and the future of the world depend on it. Thank you Mary!

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I am dreaming of the day when we elect Democrats to the house and senate os that 2/3's of both chambers are under complete control of the Democrats, where we could change the make up of the supreme court and balance the scales by putting 5 democratic judges on the bench. I know it's wishful thinking, but what else can I wish for in these dark times where the court can decide if we stay a republic or are moved into a fascistic nation under Donald, who wants to put down any discontent of Democrats.

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The question SCOTUS is addressing is, "Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office." What does this have to do with J6? To me, it doesn't look like they'll be specifically looking at J6, but the concept of immunity for 'alleged..official acts' in general. So even if they answered in the affirmative, TFG would still have to prove he was acting in his capacity as POTUS. Of course, the real issue here is the delay this causes. I do wish the media would point out more frequently that if TFG knew he was innocent, he'd want his day in court NOW because of how much that would help him on the campaign trail. His delay, IMO, shows evidence of guilt.

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Absolutely ready to fight. We need to buck up and get busy.

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The number of Republicans who did not support Trump in the primaries is intriquing. I'm a registered Republican, and when the primary comes in my State, my write-in candidate will be "Joseph R Biden". Thank you for your service, President Biden! I admire your courage and dedication to serving ALL of the people of our country, being a lightening rod for every criticism imaginable, and contending with mulitple crises (Middle East, Ukraine, border) despite the obstructionist Republicans. Life is a neverending story, but in the end, Joseph Biden will be the winner for his honesty and decency.

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Maybe the Court SHOULD find that presidents have absolute immunity. Then, real President Biden could have Seal Team Six remove the six complicit criminals from the bench and put six highly qualified, honest jurists in those seats, yes? Of course, there would also be many other actions that Dark Brandon could take but I don’t care to get a visit from the SS!

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Thank you, Mary, for your optimism. 💙

I am still nervous given that the 2020 Electoral College vote was won by Biden by less than 43,000 votes.

This SCOTUS decision unnerves me even more.

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Thank You for your tireless work Mary! We are with you and support You!

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