Thank you, Mary, for your chilling column and audio version.

I do not know how to combat the, "fellow citizens who continue to give power to the worst among us not only because they tolerate their inhumane policies but because they sanction them", since they will continue to secretly believe this stuff or change their reasoning for supporting the Rs. It is maddening..

Nine million voters did not vote in Texas in November, 2022.

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Well written. I agree with all you say.

As a psychologist, I expect you have already linked Abbot’s accident as a young man and the resulting paralysis with his obvious misogyny and vile treatment of women and children.

Why doesn’t anyone dare to talk about Abbot’s inability to have sex, father children and the political weaponization of his sexual inadequacies?

The personal histories of our politicians matter in terms of their decision making. Abbott’s anger at women has resulted in policies that have caused maternal and infant deaths. Is the media afraid to

offend the sensibilities of a man who shows no concern for the lives of anyone except himself and his donors?

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Thank you, Mary. This was exceedingly well done.

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Very well said Mary. You articulated so much of what I’m feeling, and the frustration that accompanies it. There is so much ugliness to be ashamed of in our country, and so much beauty and kindness to be proud of. Thank you for sharing this and helping me to remember that we are responsible for holding each other, and ourselves accountable for equality, justice and peace in our world

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Thank you, Mary. This is a sad note on which to end 2022, but we must be part of the community of good, kind, compassionate people that will turn the country around. We can’t let it fall into the dark abyss.

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Excellent piece. Thoughtful and well written. Abbott beating Beto by such a large margin only confirms my opinion of the American electorate. Remember, Ron Johnson defeated Russ Feingold TWICE, after Feingold served the people so brilliantly. And of course, Ron Johnson has the intelligence of a garden slug. I expatriated...

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The change we seek cannot happen unless we, as a people, demand those who are the problems in our government are held legally accountable. Not just a few, but the leaders, the plotters, the co-conspirators and those that are in government, elected office and otherwise, for self-interest and to increase their coffers any way they can, with anyone willing to pay (even foreign dictators). Our systems are broken, and we must fix them. The immigrations situation is a federal problem, not a state problem, it needs to be reformed so that when people come to our country seeking asylum, they are welcome, they are physically tested for possible contagious disease, question for vaccines and if not vaccinated, vaccinate them, given temporary housing (not tents or jail cells), English language classes, and opportunity for jobs available. Yes, I get it, we don't do this for many of our citizens, but that is another situation. We have many areas in our government that need renovating, but we need the will to push forward for everyone.

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Truth. Every word. A perfect articulation of the deeply dis-eased United States of America.

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Thank you, Mary, for saying what needs so desperately to be said and what is sadly said by too few, so many of them our "elected" politicians.

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An excellent analysis of America’s problem.

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Racism is the original sin of this country. There is no redemption.

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Mary, my God, you spoke EXACTLY what I have been saying since Abbott did this, and you expressed the intense outrage I have been feeling about it! I posted my own comments on Facebook about this, too. I may need to move to TX soon and I'm NOT happy about it & hope not to stay long. Maybe God needs another Democrat there, I don't know. But everything you said here is the exact same as what I think and feel, except for one: I still blame Donald for everything, and I wonder every day how you handle having him as a relative. He and Abbott DISGUST me, and I have despaired over the voters who elected them, and over the human race in general lately. I cannot call either Donald or Abbott "human." Human beings are meant to EVOLVE, not devolve and try to take everybody down with them! I should shut up, but I could go on for a long time just applauding everything you said. I'm with you all the way, Mary, and I'm so grateful for your voice. I will be sharing this message around, believe me. Love you!

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I envy you your command of the English language combined with your professional expertise and look forward to your posts. Thank you for putting into words my own sentiments, but better!

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I am sickened by 64% of the women who continue to be the buttresses for white, male supremacy. It's nauseating.

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This single fact: "Despite the decency, empathy, and competence of Beto O’Rourke they still pulled the lever for the madman. In a bit of cruel irony, more than 60% of the votes cast in Uvalde went to Abbott." rendered me speechless. I cannot for the life of me figure out why.

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Happy Holiday’s to you and your family Mary. I have so much respect for you as I too know that standing up against family, is not that easy. I agree with everything you have said here and there has to be big changes in the Government. There seems to be too many deceitful people.

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