I think I love Letitia.

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Thank you Mary, especially for giving us information the press declines to provide.

I appreciate you so much and I hope you are healthy and happy!

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This is great news. Trump continues to play fast and loose with the law. His attorneys are not sharp and are making errors and the Judge should come down hard on them. Meanwhile the court should scrutinize all those who put up money for Trump. They are shady at best.

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I do not live in the state of New York and it is highly unlikely I ever will. But, I would consider it a high honor if I ever got the chance to vote for Letitia James, someday.

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Oooh! The ketchup’s gonna hit the wall!!

Too late to buy Heinz stock, do you think?? 😉

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Also, Donald said he has $500 million in cash that he wants to spend as he chooses. Can the court not force him to pay up in cash, since he already perjured himself about the amount?

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No no no no! 24 hours, yeah, I can see that. But 10 DAYS? Why? Nothing has to go through the mail we have internet nowadays. Another wait. Another stall. Another drag-it-out win for Donald.


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Hehehe.... I didn't know that he'd offered to post the whole bond secured by real estate. The attorneys' failure to notify the court is a big deal.

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The way this is going, he’ll post it with confederate dollars from his beloved base next….

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Thanks Mary. Yesterday I learned about Leticia James objection and the new hearing date. I appreciate your filling in the details of yet another sketchy transaction by the orange idiot.

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This is *amazing* good news!!! AG James is an exemplar of defending truth against (corrupt) power! May they continue to quake in her wake. :))

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Isn’t it wonderful that we have an AG who acts quickly to hold DJT accountable? She didn’t waste one minute! What a breath fresh of air Leticia James is! Bravo!!👏👏👏

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Another fraudulent shenanigan. The fraud never stops.

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Wish I could upgrade, Living off of Social Security, cannot afford another bill. When I can I will join. Thanks for this work, and keeping us updated. I hope you do more news channel interviews to keep the public aware of who DT is. You know , you lived it. Many of us also get who he is, we've had mentally ill people in our families. Let's hope we can all keep him out of office. Thanks, Mary.

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Oh, I more than 'like' this, Mary. I'm going for the whole enchilada, I LOVE this news! I'm so tired of everything going sideways by crooks bending the legal system until it turns into juice. Tighten up those jail bars and lets see some action so we can all go to the bars and celebrate! Put these people on Ellis Island so they can understand what immigrants had to go through to become Citizens of America. They had to learn what the Constitution stands for and the Declaration of Independence. And, foremost, to abide by the laws that made this beautiful country what it has been.

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Thankyou Trish James and Mary Trump! Im so sick of this crap on the so called news with Donald leading the pack of treasonous thugsi cant express it enough! We are not slacking we are very aware of what these people are doing and planning. What we are tired of is how much they are NOT being held accountable for every day trump is destroying confidence in our system that should be more than ready and adiequite to deal with this criminal activity! Sick of trump being able to run our country and threaten us everyday let alone judges and juries!!! Its wrong! Its unamerican and dangerous for Democracy and our future!!! DOJ GET A SPINE ND DO WHATS RIGHT!!! Not complicated….. Carol lynn

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