Excellent list, and agree 100%. What a confederacy of dunces!!!! Thank you Mary, for all you do!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

I agree with you one thousand percent. Mahre is an old man yelling, 'Get off my lawn!' btw, his opening monologues are NOT funny and he suffers from the same self-aggrandizement that DJT suffers from; they are both self-righteous narcissists. He is deluded if he thinks he is radical for criticizing the Dems, and worse pretending he cares about things he has no comprehension of (parenting and children being one of them. He loves to wax on about helicopter parents, etc. then rails on about how he glad he is he doesn't have any [children]. I am glad he doesn't either he would probably drown them). Also, if you haven't, read his book, True Story: A Comedy Novel which is loaded with his misogynist comments on women and how many he laid. UGH, no wonder he is single, who would want him?

Greenwald said while never citing any proof or even a 'sentence' from the Mueller report, that it was all hogwash. DID HE READ IT? I listened to it on audio, and it seems to me the real crime beyond the obvious, yes, Trump was in cahoots with the Russians, was Mueller not making 45 testify, which has always reeked to me of cronyism. The whole 'you can't indict a sitting president' is NOT A LAW, it's a memo. How many times have all of us read a memo and said phooey to that, then went on to do whatever it was the memo forbid? GOOD GRIEF.

Please comment on Dinesh d' Souza's gross tweet about Putin Dinesh D'Souza

@DineshDSouza 5h

I notice the witless progressives are trying to de-platform and de-bank #Putin in the same manner they have done to Nick Fuentes. The problem is that the little plastic swatter that works on a fly doesn’t really work on a grizzly bear #Ukraine

I am sickened.

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Great list. I used to like Maher too. Though his mean-spiritedness has worn on me. I enjoyed him during the GW Bush regime but less and less since. I no longer watch his show.

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I'm so glad to see you pointing these people out for who and what they are. There should be more of this in the media by voices that we know we can trust (like yours). It would be great to see a run-down on all of the truly deplorable (and the semi-deplorable) moles of the far-right who pump out their dreck regularly, working on the inside of our major newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post. Thank you!

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They are trapped in the midst a a moral and intellectual collapse similar of that of the Roman empire. They would do anything to survive.

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Used to like Maher. No more.

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Bari Weiss is a joke. Her comment section is filled with dumb Trumpers.

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Sad to admit that I wasn’t paying attention to Bill Maher when he went to the dark side. He used to be a comedian, right?

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Spot-on Mary! And may I add Chuck Tod from NBC to the list. He continually critizes the Democrats while having no democratic defenders to respond. He endlessly spouted "Democrat's in disarray" while saying nothing about Republicans support for Putin.

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Another Great Compilation, "Intellectual Hacks" by Mary Trump, Bravo

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In these unbelievably fraught times, you have become one of the de facto leaders that we need to form a coalition to beat back authoritarianism. It's frightening to admit, butvtgere is a chasm of leadership on the left, and grifters will always fill a void, especially those convinced of their own moral superiority. We don't have the luxury of time on our side, but we're not yet facing death or deprivation, as the Ukrainians now face. If we, with all that we have, cannot protect democracy with the passion that we see from the millions of brave souls across the world then we'll fail not only ourselves, but the memories of those fighting every moment for freedom.

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I'd like to Add Scott McClellan to "Hacks" very siIent organizer as Mitch McConnell Voice Box essentially, Conservative CNN Contributor, Always an opinion swerving to right and Sneaky!

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Mary, I'm trying to turn my sad into mad with more feelings that promote good/legal/doable action. I feel like I'm melting yet promise not to give up.

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Pseudo-Intellectual, well, 70,000,000+ 45 cult members. And, of course, the leader 45. I could go on and on, and so, I will. mtg, lb, lg, tc, mmc, kmc, ml, (can't forget mike lindell), my friends, sd, ma, etc.

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Spot-on Mary! And may I add Chuck Tod from NBC to the list. He continually critizes the Democrats while having no democratic defenders to respond. He endlessly spouted "Democrat's in disarray" while saying nothing about Republicans support for Putin.

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Spot on! Thanks Mary!

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