I would add Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos to this list of truly deplorable people.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Thank you for all that you do in sounding the alarm about the many threats to democratic & multicultural society in the U.S. and around the world. And I agree that Rupert Murdoch and his minions are among the most dangerous. I have been railing about Fox over 20 years when I first felt they were junk food for the mind. They now spew poison into the body politic and have created the massive increase of hostility, division, disinformation, and racism in our society.

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And people ask me why SUNDAY is my favorite day!!!

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Thanks Mary. I will save this one for future reference.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Oh this list of people and organizations is so long and correct. Shows what our country is up against….thank you for your work.

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Alex Jones needs to be listed.

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Mary, I just subscribed to your newsletters and podcasts, I have really enjoyed, both reading and hearing you speak. The list of what I just read is very disturbing to me. I know that the Constitution give all citizens in the first amendment the right of free speech, but these fuckers need to put a sock in it. I know they have the "right" to free expression, but where is the tipping point to their words becoming treason? And who will stand up to them. I marched in the Stonewall 25th parade, a proud moment in my life. I just don't understand why these rightwing asshole's are so afraid of Gay people, true, most of us are Democrats, because we want the would to be a better place for all. We are against war for any reason. Was it Donald who got this ball rolling? I remember the movie that seems to be repeating in our history. Citizen Kane, the way he got himself elected and the misery he wrought upon the nation, seems to be repeating in today's world. I am very sad watching Donnies buddy wreak havoc on Ukraine, and it just continues. And to think, this madman is now raise the specter of nukes. I am scared shitless. Thoughts?

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Excellent Fascist List to Start, I applaud your ambition to educate folks on who is one and what they are, who they are, identify the misinfo valves Fox etc, Maybe This Will become an encyclopedia historically then we derive a propaganda "dictionary" from it, Great Compilation Mary From Me A Compilation Maker, Bravo

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Putin, D. Trump, keep 'em coming, xlnt work Mary, thanks for all you do!

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I think those things that u listed are just the tip of the iceberg creatures that roam the earth as humans.

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It's not funny, whatsoever, but the term "Glossary of Fascists" made me giggle. But then when the giggling was over I got pissed and vowed to block all of these people and turn their books around to face the wrong way in Barnes and Noble.

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Thanks so much, Mary, for taking the time to compile this glossary for those of us who have trouble keeping up with the Who's Who of Facists!

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Thank you Mary

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Very enlightening list. Unfortunately, this is only the most loud, vile and evil of the bunch. They want their 15 minutes of fame at any cost. I truly fear Democracy will be lost. How does a country come back from fascists?

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What. The. Actual. Fuck?

And as I see below, the list grows. Sadly.

Thank you as always!

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Excellent. Thank you, Mary. Whenever I see a new post here I feel somewhat better with a little more hope. Friends are here.

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