
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

—Martin Niemöller

Mary, thank you for your nobility and not waiting to speak out yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Your courage is admirable, inspiring, and priceless.

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Mary, I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for you and your determination to stand up for truth and democracy. I’m so sorry that your family has chosen to stand with your uncle. That is truly their loss!! You are not alone though. You DO have a family that will always have your back. Us!! This community right here will be your family and I don’t think I am speaking out of turn to say that we are all honored to have you !! You are NEVER alone !!!

Thank you, Mary, for all that you do, for who you are, and for the light that you spread. You are a Blessing !!

Beaucoup d'amour,


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Politics & religion, as well as trying to CALMLY, RATIONALLY ADDRESS differences in lifestyle, can do lots of harm within a family. I still have yet to talk with my conservative relatives about my rejection of Evangelical Christianity & anything associated with it.

& it ain't going away overnight, more's the pity.

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Yes, I am aware. Unfortunately I also have some folks in my immediate family who choose to turn a blind eye to the attack on our democracy by a wannabe dictator with 90+ indictments... 😔

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Here's a revolutionary idea - we need to VET CANDIDATES to keep people with criminal records, mental health issues & people who think that God ( which one ? So many belief systems..... ) is telling them to run for office. If someone has over $ 200 in unpaid parking tickets they get told to hit the bricks no matter how much money they can peel from their bankroll.

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@ Wendy Crandall,

I couldn't have said it any better. And, we will be your family Mary! ❤️ 💯

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Thank you for this information and the service you do for reality in response to this snarled up media propaganda.

I understand the difficulty in delivering the truth especially in families where outright denial is standard.

I always think of the expression’”the truth will set you free, but first it’ll make you miserable.”

Because it is a mixed thing , but integrity has to be the watchword. And yours is brave and strong.

Thank you .

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I never heard that about the truth making one miserable, but there's truth ( OK, that's redundant ) there.

Just like " In truth there's beauty " when the truth can be ugly & awkward.

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Damn right Mary!!! I am here to help all I can. We will together, give it a hell of a try, to save

our country, and our people. I have nothing but time, now that I don't work anymore. This

old black woman will shout from the mountain top with YOU, Mary L. Trump. Together, we

will try to save America from the Orange Monster of an Uncle of yours. We will win!!!

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

I listen to many political activists and thinkers on the internet. You surpass them all in so many ways. You're consistently equipped with documentation, you don't exaggerate the facts (aren't they bad enough?!), you consult experts in the areas where you don't feel you have the necessary expertise, and BEST of all, when you speak, it is NEVER "all about you." No shouting, no sudden impulsive outbursts, no drama. "Just the facts, ma'am" and with insightful analysis. Youdabest! Thank you.

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I can appreciate how difficult it is.

I do have a question.

Sounds like your family (his family) chose him over reality and truth.

Can you shed light on the mind that makes that choice?

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Here’s my take on that: They are the ones that would be high enough on the unearned income scale to actually have to pay a huge tax bill if the Democrats win in the house and the presidency.

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Thank you, Mary. I appreciate your tireless efforts.

As a 💙 💙 💙 fan, I have issues with the 2nd half of this comment:

"AND give subscribers hope about saving our country – no matter the personal cost to me."

Please do NOT sacrifice yourself or surrender to the TOXICITY of smoking for your uncle.

We need you approachable and NOT bitter.

Please do NOT lose yourself to the bitterness. 💙 💙 💙

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HOW she handles this is incredible. My relatives have problems with even CIVIL, POLITE DISSENT & differences of opinion, particularly an Evangelical cousin who sees the 50's as " America's Golden Age ". Segregation, the Red Scare, etc., & they get " Golden Age " from it. PLUS, this cousin wasn't even a glint in her mom's EYE during the decade that she holds in such high regard. Plllleeeaasse.

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With Colorado DISQUALIFYING Donald from the state's ballot, maybe the courts will do your job for you, Mary. 😀💙😀

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it would be really cool to have you and Heather Cox Richardson together as guests in Rachel Maddows show. talk about reaching the masses.

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Just subscribed myself.

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I am not working due to health but love and appreciate your commentary.

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Martin Neimoller! Exactly right!

Mary: You are a patriot and hero.

Often, such people become so at their own expense as you have. Thank you Mary!

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article I wrote early on when POS (what I call him) announced...Facism 101 now proven more

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Only the COMPLETELY IGNORANT without ANY critical thinking ability would support the Talking Tumour.

Although some people with IQs above the single digits have been known to.

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You made me laugh!

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Over 4 years spent while riding a roller coaster on speed + crack cocaine, I should have TONS of material !

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Have you ever spoken with Caroline Giuliani?

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Keep the faith, stay strong, and I hope you understand how much support you have on your (our) side. Thank God you have the courage to do this! You are affecting the future of the entire world in a positive, Lightful way.

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Thank you, Mary, for setting up a Gift Subscription option!! I expressed my desire to do this in a comment last week and you made it happen. I just purchased a one-year gift subscription to my best friend, Sara. Thank you so much for making this possible.

Mary Ann Brown

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Just recently subscribed

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