Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

We have devolved to a banana republic. Previous Admin and GOP officials no longer appear when subpoenaed by their own branch of government. They do not cooperate. There are n o arrests, prison or removals from office.

A massive set of consequences need to be enacted. The GOP is a

national security threat at the highest level.

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I totally agree.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

You nailed it, Mary. Thank you for putting to paper what so many of us are thinking and feeling - especially about the disparity between women and men being held accountable.

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Thank you, Sherry.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I wish everyone was as upset with the 50 Republican senators who sit on their hands and obstruct voting rights, etc. etc., as they are with Manchin and Sinema. Why aren’t all Republicans vilified every day in the Press? Sure, Manchin and Sinema are causing Dems grief, but surely 2 or 3 Republicans could put country over party. Couldn’t they? I’m looking at you - Romney, Collins, Murkowski, McConnell

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I'm Upset, But I have my mind on building the Senate Majority Larger, Eliminate Filibuster, Hold House, 2 More Supreme Court Nominees, In That order!

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All of those need to happen--I'd get rid of the filibuster first, though, bc we could do that right now.

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The President very strongly today called out Republicans - 16 current Senators who previously voted for election rights - and called for filibuster reform. Finally!

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Mary I would Love It Right N I w, But Blue Dawgs Joe Manchin can't be swayed, we should focus on 2022 voting registering more voters!

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The Filibuster and all the c right wing hierarchy comes d I will in larger blue majority

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We Need Bluer Majority Was My Point In those typoed messages

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Investigators need to go after those high mucky-muck clients of Epstein and Maxwell. She is clearly an important part of the trafficking, but the clients knew very well what they were doing.

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No matter who they are i.e. even if they are Dems.

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Agree with the double standard. When Martha Stewart was indicted, tried and convicted, I thought " Jeez men get away with this ALL THE TIME." As soon as a woman steps out of the smiling supportive role, WHAMMO. It doesn't even have to be a crime. Look at how Hillary and Nancy Pelosi and most of thr women in public office are being treated with violence and threats. Patriarchy corrupts, period. And seems to breed racism and misogyny.

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Exactly. We need so many more women and people of color in positions of power.

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And this is one reason Ive decided to no vote for men. I am a lifelong democrat who comes from a staunchly democratic family. If Liz Cheny gets the republican nomination for president I will vote for her. She is the only Rep with and respect for yhe constitution of the US and the only one with balls! I respect her for that and for going on national TV and admiting dhe was wrong about LGBT+ rights. I certainly dont agree with many of her positions but for me a vote for her is a no brainer

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Mike Lukovich is a brilliant cartoonist. It's true that democracy is hanging by a thread. To me it appears most Americans are not galvanized around this as they were around the 2020 election. As states are passing voting restrictions, people are not taking to the streets. Michael Steele pointed out that the Democrats need to do a better job of showing how the right to vote has consequences that affect day-to-day life and keep hammering at that. It's how we hold our leaders accountable. With the Republicans now a de facto authoritarian party, Democrats have to hold Congress at all costs. That means people have to vote for Democratic candidates in droves. Right now I don't see that happening.

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The Democrats do need to be better at crafting a message. They should hire a Madison Avenue ad agency and pay them a small (or large) fortune to get effective slogans that will fit on a bumper sticker.

Mike Lukovich is excellent.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Yes I agree Ellen Zucker Michael Steele said it best .

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The legitimacy of the Supreme Court is hanging by a thread. Right now, it just seems like the High Court is the unofficial judicial arm of the Republican Party.

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I'd go further and say the Court no longer has legitimacy and is definitely in the tank for the Republican Party.

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Being a lawyer, I hesitate to go that far but at the same time, I'd find it hard to argue with you. The fact of the matter is that Republicans realized LONG before Democrats did that the law was what the courts said it was, and particularly, the Supreme Court. They have stacked the federal court system with right-wing and far right judges for years and we are now seeing how that strategy has paid off. I know that President Biden has NOMINATED a lot of federal judges, but only 40 of them have been confirmed. With no filibuster on judicial nominations, I don't understand why this isn't a higher priority for the Democrats.

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Again, A Bluer Majority in Senate Means 2 New Scotus Nominees

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Spot on Mary, about it all!

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Thank you!

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

There’s always so much to wrap our heads around. Very happy about the judicial appointments. Re: COVID, I keep thinking there will be a rock bottom that the antivaxers will hit and then finally come around. I thought the horse dewormer was it, until I heard about the urine drinking……Welcome back! 😉

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As Donald has made abundantly clear, there is no bottom with these people.

It's good to be back.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Mary Ethics Committee is Right On, Scotus Branch with fewest checks and balances as is, Great Assessment.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

The silent majority must not be silent 🤨

We must make sure what our forefathers fought and died for will never be in jeopardy! Voting rights are lynchpin of our democracy 🙏🏻

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There's nothing more important right now than protecting voting rights.

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Mary, The Filibuster Alteration not working, Manchin and Sinema Enriching Themselves while sucking all air out of all agenda items, Time To Drop The Voting Rights Effort, Even Tho I'd Like To See It Too, We need to get ready To Have A Blue November, In Order To Drive More To Votes Takes Grassroots Work, the clock is ticking 2022, no time left to argue, Urgency is my point here!

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Excellent Mary! Unfortunately it seems White Men (Rittenhouse etc) get a pass. This is wrong! Voting Rights also in control of White Men as R’s. But don’t forget Manchin-a White Man who keeps making everyone go back to the beginning for negotiations-EVEN IN his OWN BILL! He really is an Oligarch and I think he wants US to go that way.

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It's always been this way but I think it's getting worse. Manchin is so awful and is actively hurting his own constituents. Yet, they keep voting for him.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

But what about the equally or more guilty men? ( on SCOTUS too!)

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Thomas and Kavanaugh shouldn't be judges let alone on the Supreme Court.

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I'd add Gorsuch and Coney Barrett to that list.

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I double this comment

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Hi Mary, glad you made it back home safely. Looking forward to hearing your inside, insight on all the Bull Shit raining down on Donald Trump & his supporters.

Popcorn is ready. Happy New Year! Alamar

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Thanks, Alamar. If nothing else it's going to be yet another interesting year. I'm looking forward to a day when we can all be bored again.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

You sure Donald lost Arizona for the 7 millionth time? Surely we're up to the 8 millionth recount by now? Glad to have you back from Vacay!!

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I've lost count--so many times it's hard to keep track. But he is a loser.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Great read.. as always 💙

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Thanks, Linda.

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OMG!! Your replying to me is such a thrill. I never miss your podcast . You may not realize how much your voice matters but it is so valuable & needed. I appreciate you 💙

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