I'm raising my hand as a Jew who would NEVER vote for Trump (unless it was Mary Trump) and who believes that the what the Israeli government is doing with regard to Gaza is horrific. I also think what Hamas did was horrific, but that does not justify the manner of Israel's response. And, yet, I support Israel as a country. Not Bibi and his circle. Donald can't grasp subtelties.

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Election Day 2024 is November 5. That will also be my 73rd birthday. I hope to be here another 15-20 years and still do what I do now. I have seen many of my loved ones live their lives out and am watching for pitfalls that I hope to avoid.

Donald will be 78 later this year and seemingly has done everything wrong for longevity all of his miserable life. His words and actions are red flags about his own well-being.

If he intends to try to start a civil war on November 6, I and millions of Americans stand ready to defend Democracy.

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It’s just so insane that we are having to existentially worry about a Criminal becoming the president of the USA. He and his cohorts orchestrated a failed coup, why aren’t DOJ and FBI and ATF and DHS coming for him???? Lock Him Up!!! 😡🤬😡🤬

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It’s been feeling like he’s going to implode for a while now. What will be the final implosion straw?

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Donald asks a lot to qualify to join Trump World. He only wants people who hate decency, mutual respect, manners, courtesy, rules and laws. To be a MAGA you have to enjoy associating with thugs, spies, criminals, backstabbers, KKK members, Nazi's and Orban and Putin lovers. You have to accept cruelty to children, migrant families and women. You have to enjoy insulting minorities. And worse. According to a recent NBC News analysis, the hard core MAGAs are only 10% of the adult population. And that number must be shrinking.

Donald is self-destructive. He can't help it. It's his nature. Read Judge Engeron's ruling.

He's invited Paul Manafort back into Trump World. A convicted felon for Conspiracy Against the United States. Pardoned by Donald. Only the best people for his team!

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I believe his mental, emotional and intellectual capabilities are declining at an accelerated rate. Do you believe, between his malignant narcissism & encroaching dementia, combined with the stress of his money issues, campaign schedule and pressure of 4 criminal trials will lead to some sort of collapse?

If so, do you believe it will be primarily physical? Will it be a complete mental/emotional meltdown before our eye? Or will his dementia accelerate to the point he’s unable to do public appearances without it being very noticeable?

I’m not sure which I forecast to happen, but I believe 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 will occur. His mental issues combined with bad health & dementia damage will result in 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 sort of meltdown. Your thoughts?

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Thank you Mary. Keep up your good work and wonderful heart.

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Thank you, Mary, for your column tonight. 💙

It scares me that his violent and antisemitic comments may appeal to his supporters.

MSNBC is reporting that his "small $ donors" are not donating to his campaign. This, hopefully, will offset the effects of Donald's harmful comments.

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You are so right Mary. The more the fool squawks, the more am infuriated with all his BS. His hatred for anyone unlike his moronic self, is so repulsive it physically makes me ill. I can't fathom what must have

happened to him to make him so hate filled, although a dear friend believes some people are inherently evil. At any rate, we as people do tend to fight harder the angrier we are, and at this rate, he has no clue.

I appreciate your column, because of you, my hope and determination are stronger than ever. I would imagine you have that effect on many of us on here. Again, be strong and safe, and we are here for you as well.

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SCOTUS is freaking me out with their whole "sure, we'll hear your argument for immunity, that DC ruling needs a look..." and yep, another anti-Donald Jew here.

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As we watch the progression of Donalds brain matter turning into oatmeal, we get a better understanding of what his consequences will be upon more legal losses and watching his money go bye bye. The more pushback we give to his efforts the more ground we gain toward winning the election. We must be united in the cause of Democracy for the united states. Stay strong, stay vigilant.

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Mary, I don't know if you watch "The Last Word" with Lawrence O'Donnell, but last night he started his program off with a wonderful "rant" about Donald and his violent language. His point: Donald wants to inspire fear, he wants our fear, and we shouldn't give it to him. I found that really helpful, because that nasty rhetoric does scare me, so I am encouraged to not give anything to Donald. I also need to say that I have Jewish heritage, including that one of my father's relatives was there for the beginning of Israel and lived out his life on a kibbutz. I agree with all who are pro Israel, but anti Netanyahu, and who feel awful about what he is doing in Gaza. It is easily possible to have compassion for both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

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You know, Mary, on my Substack, The Storm. By Norm, I write weekly essays about a variety of subjects. When I feel moved to write about your uncle, I cannot even mention his goddamn name. So, I use Sunkist Jesus, Idiot à l’Orange, Orange King of the Idiots, among others. I could never stand to write about him all the time, as you do. I have much respect and admiration for the vitally important work you are doing. Thank you.

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He's telling us his game plan. There are a lot more sane people than MAGA lemmings. Our job is to get their asses into the voting booth.

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I hope you're correct that 45 is setting himself up to lose the election because his explicit anti-semitism has no place in our culture, and certainly disqualifies him, in my mind, for holding any political office. As a Jewish person, I am DEEPLY OFFENDED (capital letters intentionally).

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The trump crime family! If something isn’t done to charge him with the crime of coup d’etat THEN it wasn’t a FAILED coup just an interrupted coup😳😡😡🤬🤬

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