Today I had great rushes of joy knowing that he has to sit in that courtroom for SIX WEEKS. I bet he totally flips out more than we’ve ever seen.

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Knowing him, he is liable (destined?) to completely blow out his gag order tonight! He is now saying that he has enough votes to "cancel" the 2024 election. This is the mentality of the one person that holds America hostage

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His losses are our win. Keep it going.

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It’s certainly going to be interesting few weeks. I love that so many folks happily admitted they could not be fair if they served on the jury. That undermines his future arguments that the jury were unfair democrat plants who plotted to take down his campaign. You reap what you sow Donald & the witch hunts keep finding witches.

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My money is still on Michael Cohen being able to make him go into a full blown narcissistic meltdown in glorious technicolor. I hope it happens and the world will finally see his true colors.

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Commander Crazy Pants and the Devil Spawn shouldn't EVER be allowed to have anything to do with running this Nation.

He's started Sun downing and replacing nonsense words that "sound" like the word he's trying to say. The Dementia will only worsen, he will be a blubbering fool by the time November gets here.

He is such a pitiful loser, the R's should be embarrassed. 💙

THANK YOU MARY for never remaining silent regarding the scurrilous jackass.

Stormy is a SHERO!!

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Thank you for your column tonight, Mary. 💙

I am glad Judge Merchan is holding Donald accountable.

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Put Donald J Trump in PRISON once and for all. Russian Asset. TRAITOR. Convicted rapist. Criminal, worldwide. Money laundering for Russian Oligarchs. Billions from Saudi's. HE IS A CRIME WAVE. DANGEROUS LUNATIC

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Oh, the irony! The man who once mocked "Sleepy Joe"

Now can't keep his own eyes open, don't you know?

"Sleepy Don," they'll call him, as he dozes off in court

While facing charges for his sleazy Stormy payoff, the wart

He's nodding off, his jaw goes slack, his mind's a blur

Can't even focus on his lawyer's notes, the cur

If he can't stay awake when his own fate is on the line

How can we trust him with the nation's fate, the swine?

But wait, there's more! The moron speaks in tongues

Spewing gibberish on the campaign trail, his brain's unstrung

"Adlinthin," he says, a word that's not a word at all

Just like his presidency, a farce, a freefall

And let's not forget his blatant disregard

For the gag order, calling witnesses "sleazeballs," the lard

He can't control himself, his ego knows no bounds

The prosecutors seek to hold him in contempt, the clown

The judge must find a way to make him pay

Without fueling his cries of "political foul play"

Hit him where it hurts, right in his bloated wallet

That'll shut him up, the babbling, blithering varlet

Day one, and Trump's already in a world of trouble

Creating chaos, making his own bubble

But for the rest of us, it's a glimmer of hope

Watching the Orange Menace finally on the rope

So, let the trial unfold, let justice have its day

As "Sleepy Don" faces the music, the price he'll pay

For his lies, his greed, his utter lack of grace

A fitting end for a man who's a disgrace.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Excellent summary of the trial and the possible impacts. I also saw you on YouTube with Katie Phang - great panel discussion.

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That fraud stock of Donald’s is going down quicker than his poll numbers. Wonderful.

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It will be a long and winding road. He will not be able to be quiet. Judge Merchan seems to be unflappable. IMO there will be fines and then perhaps house arrest. I suspect an outburst in the court will probably have him in a soundproof booth. Maybe his followers will see the real Trump . That in itself would be magical.

Mary, I appreciate your plethora of information.

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He’s Scary Looking!

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Thank you Mary.

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Everything right Mary!! The judge is very stronger and he rejected on trump lawyers because he said no you come everyday. Trump want go his son graduation and he said no you must come in trial. Sorry! But he call on political of which hunt or political. This court is very serious not political this is trial I hope 6-8 weeks until if he guilty judge decides on him 4 years and 6 probation years. He is zero president campaign no debate no president museum no president portion at White House! Next stop Georgia and Florida until he guilty for long time at his home or federal prison

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