It would be perfect to take him into custody tomorrow (Friday 19th) and let him stay in jail over the weekend, with no communication. He will continue to split the line and go over it until he is brought up short. And it is a test of our rule of law, with lots to lose, if his behavior becomes normal. Stand for the jury, for god’s sake; no phone- no exceptions; he’s just another con artist. No special privileges. No bad behavior allowed to pass unchecked. We can be sure that those jury questionnaires he was taking home will get publicized, in true mob fashion. Enough.

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It disgusts me that nothing happens to him when he violates the gag order.

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Donald is playing on his phone from the courtroom, I wonder if he’s sending someone information about the jurors. I wouldn’t put it past him to do something like that. They should confiscate his phone.

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I sincerely hope Judge Merchan follows the law this time. He shouldn’t be afraid of Donald’s minions. Put him behind bars until the trial is over. I don’t care if he was “president “#nevermypresiddnt. He needs to finally get punishment. Otherwise we will have a lawless country. Do your job Judge Merchan please. Thanks Mary! I support you fully!

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Rupert Murdoch and his son need to be deported

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Who didn't think it would come to this? At least Merchan upheld the prosecutions denial to announce witnesses. Ol Sleepy Donnie needs a smack down.

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Monetary penalties and fines are not going to shut Trump up. It's time for Judge Merchan to "snap Donald's poop" by jailing him for a week with no cellphone or outside communication except with his lawyers. Then if he subsequently breaks the gag order, double the time and give him 14 days in jail. However, this should not stop the trial from moving forward. Donald can be a part of the trial on a closed circuit TV loop in his jail cell. At that point it will be interesting to see if the intolerant brat can just shut his obnoxious mouth and let the judicial process move forward. But I have my doubts, as his need for constant attention feeds on his ability to create chaos, conflict and confusion!

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I’m appalled by Watter’s actions. Normal juror identities are a matter of public record. However, this is not a normal criminal trial. It’s bigger than a mob trial because of Trump, et. Al’s terrorist tactics. I don’t care if Watters if fired, because obviously Fox wants the ad money. I hope he’s convicted instead. If the trial doesn’t go Trump’s way, all jurors who didn’t ’vote the right way’ are in danger.

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Why can’t the judge take the phone away from Trump while he’s in the courtroom? I absolutely would NOT trust him! It’s quite possible he could take a picture of a juror.

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I am looking forward to Judge Merchan's dressing down of The Donald I think he will go about it in stern, business-like, fashion--probably feeling but not showing anger. A predatory narcissist can deal better with someone confronting him angrily, because it gives an opening to deny his intentions and declare victim hood. It seems to me that Judge Merchan is a psychologically healthy person with wide experience in dealing with sociopaths and narcissists. He has a "template" to predict what their reactions will be. His behavior likely will make Trump highly anxious and he will find it difficult, if not impossible, to contain himself. The judge may be treated to an emotional "victimy" outburst. I can't wait for Tuesday!

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There has to be a consequence for Watters and Fox! If the media has access to the witness list that needs to be changed imho

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So what should be done? Jail? I think so. It seems the Justice system is acting very tentatively with him. Why? Do they think jailing dozen’ don will unleash violent crazies? So what? Arrest those lawbreakers too.

I hadn’t read about those micro aggressions in court in terms of not standing for jury, etc. He’s allowed to use his phone when no one else can in court? Wth.

Either we have one system of Justice or we don’t.

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This recognition is bittersweet for you. Thanks for your willingness to speak for us! Can he force a mistrial triggering a "start over?" Tomorrow he learns of the evidence against him, which portends a major tantrum. How can anyone think he cares about anyone but himself after causing the young, female teacher to step away from jury duty? She is a new citizen wanting to exercise her civic duty. He is cruel and dangerous. He belongs in jail. Now.

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I grew up in Queens with a bunch of idiots like DFG. They positively enjoy acting out, if for no other reason than it pisses people off. They do not stop, ever. It will be a Herculean task to keep him controlled enough to get through the current trial, let alone the federal ones.

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Donald Trump has to cheat he cant allow anyone to control him! It doesnt madder it its stupid, rediculous or even dangerous, hes going to cheat, lies and get his twisted maga pals to help him! I know, hes really got to be out of his mind, but i assure you he know he cant handle the truth or fact that comes out in trial. Hes a dangerous man waiting to destroy anyone and anyone let alone our precious country! Hes twisted and evil in every decision he makes…

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Why have a gag order if you won’t enforce it?

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