Biden was wonderful —he put my mind at ease. The man isn't perfect, but he's pretty damned good, and deserves a lot of credit for his leadership and his work in office.

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The only thing Joe could have done to better demonstrate his vigor and fitness for office would have been to cartwheel down the aisle, kicking Marge's fucking MAGA hat off her head on the way by. He nailed it, and burned the MAGAs to the ground in the process.

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Thank you for sharing your gift of writing, Mary. Outlining this the way you do highlights just how Biden has been built not just for the moment after Covid and Donald, but for this moment as well. I was so proud of President Biden. I voted for Her and I voted for Him! We are on the right side of history. Now let’s hope Media steps up their game for if they don’t, they too become complicit in the downfall of Democracy!

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Thank you for the astute recap, Mary- I know many individuals who felt the flame of encouragement after Tuesday when it's felt like SUCH constant pushback against any potential progress.

We're still in it for the long haul, and it's heartening to see the fight for justice still alive.

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REMARKABLE SPEECH! it was uplifting,truthful,full of zest and he spoke directly to those in attendance,including the scotus bunch! it was childish and foolish of ms marjorie taylor greene to wear the MAGA hat and all those buttons,but then she seemingly respects no one,and although not in attendance,your uncle,mr djt,was writing on his truth social post in his usual nasty,,negative way as quickly as he could...thank you mary for keeping the light on in your uncles world of darkness!joe biden may be 81,but HE is a man whose wisdom from being in the political arena all of these years,and his knowlege shows..

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Geat post as usual. Biden was clear headed and poignant. My personal favorite was his pinpoint focus on the SC and women’s rights. No other presidents has ever blatantly called them out as Biden did right there.. Brilliant! He certainly did breathe fire into the Democratic base, didn’t he? 💙💙💙

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I was sure I was developing an ulcer from the knots in my stomach worrying about another Trump administration, but Joe Biden's SOTU address was like Good Medicine! I feel so much better today!

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After last night’s speech made me feel better about President Biden’s campaign for re-election.

I saw on the news that a few Republicans changed their minds about tRUMP after reading Liz Cheneys new book (I have read it and it is mind blowing)

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Sometimes it's hard to believe you are even related to him. Did you get all the smart genes?

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People... don't read or give any credence to "Thor Swayze's" comments. He's poison and we don't want him here.

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That comedic take on the Republican response was right on the money. I found Katie Britt in the kitchen to be nauseating. Her whole speech was complaining about things Biden is trying to fix, but her party keeps blocking. She also claimed that Biden "defunded the police." She comes off just like trump, lying nonstop. Fact checkers were not impressed with her either.

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In the twisted, fever-dream spectacle of politics, where the air is thick with the stench of fear, ambition, and the decaying remnants of too many backroom betrayals, Joe Biden stalks the stage—a figure both carved by the relentless grind of the game and oddly amused by its grotesqueries.

See, this isn't a realm for the timid souls looking for a quiet spot to lay their heads. It's a savage, blood-drenched circus, unfolding under the cloak of dawn, hidden from the wide-eyed gaze of the innocents. And in this circus, Biden has been both the lion and the lion-tamer, weaving through the decades with a zeal that borders on the lunatic, admirable in its persistence if not a tad terrifying in its intensity. His style, once as unpredictable and fluid as a jazz riff, has morphed into something graver, a deliberate march rather than a frenetic dance. It's not that the mighty warhorse has lost his fire; it's just that now he burns cooler, channelling his fervor into a more measured, almost meditative display.

Before our very eyes, Biden has transformed, shedding the brash swagger of his youth for a calm, almost Zen-like assurance—a sign, perhaps, of deep internal battles fought and won.

Yet, within this new, quieter Biden, the echoes of his former self—the charismatic enchanter who could turn a room electric with his mere presence, the master of the political ballet—are unmistakable. That instinctual knack for human connection, that gut-level understanding of the American heartland's rhythm, hasn't dimmed; it has simply deepened, matured into a more complex, more potent brew.

Now, this political chameleon, prowling the power corridors with a mix of gravitas and unyielding will, might seem a world away from the jovial second fiddle to Obama or the tactile senator of history books. His voice, now tinged with the gravel of hard-earned wisdom, his movements calculated, his aura formidable.

This evolution in Biden's persona isn't just some cosmetic makeover, a mere change of attire or swapping out speechwriters. It's a profound, soul-deep realignment, a recalibration to face the grim dance of our times. Politics, after all, is a merciless theatre, and Biden, with his war chest of scars and triumphs, gets this more than most.

The game's rules are mutating, the players transforming right before our shocked eyes, and Biden, with all his ancient charm and newfound weight, stands at the heart of this maelstrom, a beacon of both hope and dread in a world teetering on the brink of madness. This isn't merely another episode in the man's epic saga; it's an entirely new act, and by God, hopefully not his last, in the grand, twisted tale of Joe Biden, American titan.

In the scorching aftermath of the State of the Union, Biden and his cadre of political gladiators are strapping in, ready to dive headlong into the tumultuous heart of America's battlegrounds. This isn't just a trip; it's a full-blown campaign-style onslaught, a frenzied, all-guns-blazing charge into the void, as the specter of the general election looms ominously large. They're not merely peddling a platform; they're hand delivering a dream, a vision, a soulful pitch to the nation, as the fight for tomorrow ignites with the intensity of a supernova. This is the dawn, the raw beginning of an all-out brawl for America's soul, a clash of DEM strategy and GOP insanity in the grand American gamble and my buck is riding on Biden.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

Great points as usual Mary!! Hoping Joe puts Mar-A-Lago into a perpetual meltdown mode with incessant heat applications, known to most of us as simply exposing "the truth". That alone will implode the MAGA/GOP world faster than anything as their lies continually are destroyed...

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This chick should be on this week's SNL, Mary. I could not bear to watch whoever responded. But her? She's a character out of the Handmaid's Tale. I needed to literally flush out my eyes after a 20-sec clip!

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I agree that Biden "hit it out of the park" last night! That should put the crazy ageism issue to rest, at least by our mainstream, corporate media. I wonder what else they will pick on about Biden to keep the drama going. I have always planned to vote for our President, since Mary's uncle is a disgusting excuse for a human bean. I am glad he has no chance to win--again. There is only one thing I want from Joe now, and I think he will bring home progressives if he can do it. As hard as it may be, Joe, I think you need to break up with Bibi!

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Good insights, Mary. I'm glad you feel better, and I feel better too! The tide is turning for President Biden; I heard his fundraising went through the roof after his speech. I want to believe it will be smooth sailing until November, but I'm confident he can manage the ups and downs until then. The big thing that everyone is missing is that President Biden is a well-respected and connected world leader who respects all people and wants the best for everyone. Most of his life has been spent in service to our country and championing democracy in the world. I'm glad President Biden got a break last night; he so richly deserves it. Thanks for fighting the good fight, I'm with you all the way.

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