Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

With Donald’s history of deflection, could it be coincidental that his buddy Putin is planning to invade Ukraine at this time when the cards are being stacked higher against him?

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Donald's cult is going to believe it's a witch hunt no matter what any other narrative may say. But as was mentioned in your podcast, Mary, "Democrats bring a butter knife to a gun fight." I was deeply upset when President Biden told Mitch McConnell he was a good person and a good friend. He is neither, and to have our President not speak the truth was very disappointing. Democrats need to face the demons of racism, fascism and white supremacy, and not by pandering to the likes of Mitch McConnell. Way past time to fight back hard and strong.

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Honestly, I don't know that it matters whether any prosecutions/civil actions lead anywhere. No matter, he's going to sell it as either a witch hunt or (if he's acquitted/found not guilty) a vindication of everything he's done. He wins either way in the eyes of his brainwashed base. He can do no wrong in their eyes and that will never change.

Worse yet, the genie he has let out of the bottle can never be put back in. He has given free reign to the haters out there and they will feel empowered no matter what, even if he eventually is jailed.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Yes Mary, to some ignorant 45* diehards, they'll believe his "witch hunt" statement, however, new polling shows many Republicans are wanting the party and the country to move on from his lies, especially the big one!

Do I think he'll get his comeuppance? Yes!

Which do I think, the civil one that James is running right now, hurting him by banishing him from ever having a company again, Donny and Ivanka included.

And, more than anything I hope the insurrection compounded with the NARA news that he basically stole classified documents from the Federal government (and, American people) are his final nail.

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Great to hear your voice - a good use of substack podcast!

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I think the more lawsuits going after Donald the better and especially the ones where the hard evidence and money are so clear. He's going to call it all a witch hunt, you are absolutely right. He's just one of many in the international crime syndicate - and he will continue to be propped up by his fellow dictator-loving greedies. We have to hope for the best and plan plan plan for the worst. The message needs to be that there is a positive aspect to democratic government. Of course it is not perfect and it is slow, but it is the only way to keep pushing toward the common good for the most people.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I think all but the most hysterical Trumpist base have tired of Trump's endless grievances (though the majority of Republicans support his policies). It seems unlikely that Trump will face criminal consequences, but I do think that his organization will be dissolved over the next few years. I also think at least one of his progeny will face jail time. As to the narrative, it's a bit like crying 'wolf', at a certain point, people stop listening. I don't think the 'witch hunt' narrative will continue to have legs, but there's a vast difference between a grand jury approving a civil indictment and attendant fines/penalties/corporate dissolution and a criminal indictment/conviction of a former president. So, yes, I think that Trump Org will be unable to withstand the barrage of suits, and at least one of his children will be thrown under the bus, along with any hope of a 2024 reelection, but Trump will never see a jail cell, and Trumpism is here to stay.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Let's remember that TFG had a widespread conspiracy working for him to overturn the 2020 election. He's simply freaked out because it DIDN'T WORK. He is truly the ultimate snowflake. Love the Mob related quote re 5th amendment. That needs to be heavily and repeatedly publicized. Wouldn't see any of those folks whining.

Hopefully enough of his comeuppance, aired and re-aired publicly, will arrive before this November's elections. Don't care what happens to him (although there are some delicious financial ramifications afoot), but I do care what happens to our country.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Read “Hiding in Plain Sight”

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Thank you Mary👍 It will definitely be a Rico charge😏 Even Capone went down on that one😉

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My instinct tells me me he will eventually go down. He is his own worst enemy.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

DECEMBER 18, 2022??? Is this in the future?

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

The gears of justice grind slowly on. It's hard to be patient, but so far the crush of legal jeopardy DT is embroiled in has been worth the wait. I have to believe that sooner or later he will get what's coming to him -- whatever that may be.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Donald is a massive problem for the US & has to be tried in court immediately.

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Only if the people take to the streets and protest against fascist Trumph and his family and lackeys will Trumph ever be held accountable for his horrific crimes! It will take nationwide protests to push the American Political Systems to act against.criminal Trumph! NancyP and Schumer are also Trumph enablers !

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If enough of us who personally witnessed the trafficking and Russian mob interaction are willing to come forward. I know that outside recording of events took place. The narrative would be if Joe/Jane Doe sitting on a bar stool can figure out the depravity going on back then why can't you see it now.

Everyone thinks they are protecting Ivanka by not coming forward. Rather it is allowing the cycle of abuse to continue. Only if someone close and wise like (casino Lady) can talk some sense into the situation and unnormalize it. Starting with calling out cheating at billiards. If not Ivanka will be made to pay for her Daddy's sin by none other then dear old Dad's setup. Ivanka or Donald one will end up accountable.

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