Honestly, no one captures the moment quite like you, Mary: "it was like watching an Aikido master redirect her opponent’s greatest strengths in order to render them useless." We're lucky to have both you and E. Jean in democracy's corner.

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E. Jean is the best of us. None better, and the highest of examples to follow. Mesmerizingly brave.

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Is it too much to hope that E Jean Carroll keeps suing every time she is defamed by him?

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Mary, I read your book over a year ago. Thank you for that, and for being there somehow to balance out the evil of your uncle. (Hard to believe you come from the same family!)

And count me as yet another person who is grateful to E. Jean for going after that SOB, despite how hard it must have been for her to go anywhere near him after what he did to her. She's fighting not just for herself, but for all of us.

May your coffee always be excellent.

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May Trump spend his golden years in orange.

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They were incomparable.

Brava to E. Jean.

I haven't watched CNN for quite a while now, and I didn't watch the town hall and will never watch CNN again.

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Thank you for your thoughts this morning (it is Monday here in Australia). I actually tried to explain the “town hall” (which I did NOT watch) to my Australian partner and the more I described it the more I wanted to scream cry. Instead I wrote to my heroine E Jean and sent her all my love and support for what is a win. And Ginger Rodgers --perfect ❤️

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Thank you, Mary. I am VERY HAPPY for E Jean Carroll! Take Care. 💙

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I believe it was Ann Richards, in her keynote address at the 1988 DNC convention noted that Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did only backwards and in high heels. She also famously said that GHW Bush was “born with a silver foot in his mouth.” Another strong, accomplished woman sadly missed on the current political stage. Kudos to E. Jean and her tenacity, strength, and resolve.

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You are such a warrior soul. I was wondering how you were feeling this week. From one Mary to another, hang in there kiddo.

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Hi Mary, I had this thought today: if Donald never takes the stand in his own defense why would any network ever give him free time? Just saying!

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Mary! Thanks for ending on such a high note! And, back then I’ll bet the dress twirling above the knees raised some eyebrows and some serious negative comment! Love you girl! You and Heidi, and Joyce, and E. Jean, and just about all courageous women who face down evil misogyny and evil in all men! Hugs and love!

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E. Jean has performed heroically for all of us! Thank you E.Jean!

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A painting by J.M.W.Turner was a perfect way to start this week. The colors mixed as the sea brings them to froth., Like your uncle on his CNN let the wild animal out of the cage show.

But being the great psychologist you are, you tamped down the passions about Uncle Donald with some Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers

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Absolutely love Shall We Dance. Thx for the clip.

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My word of the year is impunity. But you reap what you sow sooner or later and parts of our nation have thrived under impunity.

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